Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Day At The Park!

I decided to take the kids to the park before the weather gets bad, it was fun I think collin enjoyed it the best, you can tell by the look on his face in these pic!
This is the first good picture I have of them together. Ashlyn is for once smiling normal, I was happy it turned out good.

This picture is priceless can't you tell! He was excited to be out in the fresh air.

Ashlyn doing her favorite thing in the world swinging.

1 comment:

Shersy said...

So cute! That little guy sure loves the park. Love the pics of the yucky teeth. We had a set of those that we really got Karla with when she was here last ;) Miss dental hygenist....

I'll keep checking in. I emailed your blog on to Kaye so she could see the fun stuff you're up to also!

Take it easy! We're thinking of you!