Monday, January 5, 2009

Nate's Adventure!

Nate decided to take us for a drive on saturday, we started in Kuna and came out by moutain home air force base, needless to say it took longer then we thought good thing I was prepared. This pic is of the sunset over the river.
A bunch of sheep, it was really neat to see them, the sheep dog came out barking ashlyn thought that it was pretty cool.

The look from the cliff of the river, very beautiful.

You can't really tell but you can see the dam where you can walk across.

Nate walking along the cliff enjoying the wonderful day. I haven't seen the sun in awhile it was nice to get out and enjoy the fresh air.

Me not so sure of nate's driving sometimes he got alittle to carried away driving forgetting he has two kids in the car.

It was a fun adventure to see all of heavenly fathers amazing creations, to know that we wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for him. Its fun to get out as a family and enjoy the time we get to spend together when nate has alittle time off.


Shersy said...

Such great pics and music! Looking forward to seeing you soon ;)

roycecrew said...

Looks like you had a great day! I love that you have such a great love for the Savior! keep up the great work little sis!

eds0r said...

Thanks for posting the pictures, it was a fun drive :) That last stretch of dirt road along the power lines seemed to go on forever though!