Monday, July 20, 2009

Picture's of trip

Sawtooths in stanley

Yankee Fork Dredge the biggest ever in Idaho

The buckets that got the rocks! pretty big

The engine!

All of nates family that went minus his other brother and his 4 girls that left just before pic.(oh and my brother cody)

They had a horseshoe comp. Out of 73 people me and my partner got 2nd way to go me for never playing before

This little guy would come right up to you. (alittle to close)

steffler family

Nate's dad Dan having a try

Nate and I

what a pose! looks like Im dancing!

This river we followed forever!


the girls taking a bath

view from the lookout tower


this was the most amazing view! we were up 9000ft way up there

the road we had to take to get there it was the longest mile in my life

ashlyn already dirty on the first night

what do they say when the pavement ends the adventure begins.

this is the trip we took it was cool to learn about this guy. by the end we knew him well he could of been family.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Your hair is so cute in that picture of you taking it! The cut and highlights are super cute!
Looks like lots of fun times for you guys this summer! Yay